Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Felt Like a Dog Today

I had great hopes of having a terrific Tuesday, but I woke up with a "doggone" headache. It stayed with me for most of the day and made it difficult to concentrate. Despite the adverse circumstances, I was able to be at work and very productive (my boss reads this blog).

I received a copy of Lifeway's new hymnal (it's not officially released until 8/8/08) and spent a good bit of time with it today. I have to say that I am impressed. There are old hymns and new choruses included that should make everyone happy. Let me take that back. Baptists are not happy. Only mildly amused.

Here is a list of the songs that were compiled. I hope your favorite was included.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Can't be all bad, it's got Matt Redman in it!!!!!!!!!!!!