Tuesday, August 10, 2010

And The Hits Keep Coming

Barring some type of nationwide internet outage or a boycott from the CAUB (Citizens Against Unfunny Blogs), RevKev's should surpass 60,000 "hits" today.

All I can say is "thank you" and ... "why?"

You seem like nice, normal people. Why jeopardize that by filling your minds with the ramblings of a raving lunatic? Didn't your momma tell you not to play with fire?

Don't get me wrong. I love the attention and it gives me great satisfaction when .. okay, if .. I can make someone smile or laugh. However, I can't fathom why some of you keep coming back for more???

I suppose this is one of life's mysteries like: What do chickens think we taste like? .. or .. Do clowns wear really big socks?

For fun, I just googled (please excuse me) "60,000" and here are just a few of the results:
  • Wikapedia says it is the number between 59,999 and 60,001 (suddenly my site doesn't seem so lame).
  • NumbersUSA states there are 60,000 non-citizen births in Texas each year (that borders on the ridiculous).
  • According to the Vancouver Sun, 60,000 new library cards were handed out last year at the Vancouver Public Library (this story was long overdue).
  • Finally, MediaPost carried a story about the Levi Company's quest for the perfect pair of jeans. Mary Alderete, Levi's VP/global marketing said, "We analyzed women's bodies around the world, and did 60,000 body scans, and found that 80% of all women fall into three different body types - Slight Curve, Demi Curve, and Bold Curve" (I was at the mall on tax-free weekend. At least 80% of the women I observed were Bold Curve wearing Slight Curve ... they should be able to remove the bandages from my eyes in a week to ten days).
"And his right eye shall be totally blinded .."
- Zechariah 11:17b

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