Monday, August 30, 2010

The Lion Sleeps Tonight... Lucky!


Call it the power of suggestion (one of my FB friends had just referred to me as the 'King of Insomnia' .. I prefer the 'King of Late Night' .. sorry Dave), eating "too much, too late" ('too little, too late' is such a cliché), or just an active mind (I excel at 'mental gymnastics') .. or bladder (you can't consume a gallon of H2O before bedtime and expect to keep it to yourself).

For whatever reason, I experienced yet another sleepless night .. and I'm tired of it (or rather .. tired because of it).

This site has been around for well over two years (although some deny the very existence of .. blog) and I suppose THE most written about subject (after my wife encouraged me to use her name a little less often) has to be .. the inability to sleep soundly.

The problem is clear.

A solution? .. Not so much.

At least I know I'm not alone.

All I have to do is get on Facebook any hour of the night .. or morning (it is somewhat comforting that so many are just as miserable as I am).

Everyone has trouble sleeping at some time or another. The trick is to never let it get the best of you.

Case in point...

Bean there. Done that. Got the nightshirt.

It's gonna be a LONG Monday.

"Israel's watchmen are blind, they all lack knowledge; they are all mute dogs, they cannot bark; they lie around and dream, they love to sleep." - Isaiah 56:10

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