Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You're As Young As You Feel

Benjamin Franklin said, "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

Mr. Franklin, all I have to say to you is .. go fly a kite.

I got up at 5:30 yesterday morning.

I went to bed last night just before 9 o'clock.

According to Ben, I should at least "have my health." So, why do I feel like I've been run over by a Mack truck?

Perhaps it has something to do with the numerous activities crammed in between those hours. Whatever the reason .. it ain't pretty (or rather .. I ain't pretty with these puffy, bloodshot eyes).

Yesterday was certainly jam-packed with enough "stuff" to make your head swim (I tried to stay in the shallow end .. unfortunately, I was way in over my head).

After yesterday's post, I selected and rehearsed the day's music (I'm at a retreat, remember?) and then had breakfast with my new/old bffs, the senior adults from FBC Bolivar.

Starting at 9 A.M. I led music for three morning sessions .. playing possibly the worst, most out of tune piano I have ever encountered .. ironically, it was a Hamilton.

After lunch, I went to see Bro. Ray's "little cabin in the woods" and let me tell you, it was sweet.

I led several group activities in the afternoon which included a wordsearch, trivia contest, and the old "drop the clothespin in a jar" game like we used to play at children's birthday parties.

The day concluded with a riverboat dinner cruise on the Tennessee where I was the entertainment.

I love senior adults, but they will wear you out!

"I am weary with my groaning .." - Psalm 6:6a

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