Thursday, July 29, 2010

Just What the Doctor Ordered

It has only been two days since having laparoscopic hernia repair work done and (although extremely sore) it appears I am "on the mend."

I attribute much of this to the prayers of God's people .. our deacons voted 13 to 12 to pray for my recovery, the well-wishes of my Facebook "family" .. a 42 comment thread had many encouraging words like "glad your surgery is behind you" (technically, hernia surgery is in front .. perhaps they were referring to a procedure I had done in 1999), and carefully following the doctor's discharge instructions.

  • Do not engage in any activity that requires you to be alert or coordinated for the next 24 hours (No problem here. I suppressed the urge to be an air traffic controller/professional baseball player)
  • No swimming, hot tubs, or baths for the next 24 hours (This was a tough one. Usually, immediately after surgery I like to unwind by lying in a big pool of water .. I'm not lying)
  • Do not make any important decisions in the next 24 hours such as signing contracts, important commitments, or making expensive purchases (Thanks a lot. Cheryl's dream house is no longer on the market!)
  • Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours (I'm a Baptist minister and this one wasn't hard at all. However, people DO drink to forget...)
  • Drink plenty of fluids (Evidently, alcohol is not technically a fluid)
  • Call your caregiver for persistent nausea (No thanks. I don't need that!!)
  • Seek immediate medical care if you show strange or unusual behavior, or behave abnormally...
Please excuse me. It appears I need to make a phone call.

"Achish said to his servants, Look at the man! He is insane! Why bring him to me?" - I Samuel 21:14

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