Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What Are You? ... Chicken?

Sunday marked the 234th birthday of this great country of ours (for the record .. USA, you don't look a day over 200) and because many people were also off Monday, they have been celebrating (this comes in various 'shapes and sizes' ... Baptists eat a lot and shoot fireworks .. sometimes we skip the fireworks) since leaving work on Friday afternoon.

Well, it is time to "get back to reality" (or, in Winfred & Carolyn Allen's case .. 'get back to realty') as everyone returns to work (their 'place of employment' might be more accurate .. I doubt much work will be accomplished) today.

Although not as well known and publicized as Independence Day (kudos to our Founding Fathers .. and department stores .. for getting the word out), July 6 is National Fried Chicken Day here in the good old US of A.

Fried chicken was first introduced in the American South by Scottish immigrants .. they kilt the chickens before they cooked them.

Back in those days, slaves were often allowed to keep "yard birds" and it was common to fry chicken on special occasions throughout the African American community.

When the slaves began cooking in homes they added unusual seasonings (perhaps eleven herbs and spices?) that had not been a part of the Scottish tradition and these new seasonings .. combined with the Scottish frying technique .. resulted in what has become known as southern fried chicken.

If you have some flexibility with your work schedule and want/need to "tack on" just one more day to an already long holiday weekend .. go for it.

I can't think of a more noble reason.

National Fried Chicken Day ... "Give me liberty or give me breast!"

Okay, advertising may not be my area of expertise .. I need to think things through a little better and not just wing it.

"Thou shalt part it in pieces, and pour oil thereon .."
- Leviticus 2:6a

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