Thursday, September 2, 2010

Let's Get (a) Physical

This morning at 10 o'clock I am having my annual physical .. what a pain in rear (which, by the way, is actually part of the exam).

I know this is something that only happens once a year .. like Christmas .. but for some reason I don't quite get as excited about being punctured, probed and prodded as I do when I receive a present (granted, the doctor does usually say, "Bend over, I have something for you" .. but it's just not the same).

My biggest problem with the whole thing is not being able to have anything to eat or drink after midnight.

I get up every morning at 5:30 and immediately go to the kitchen for a cup of coffee (okay, perhaps I make one stop first .. but it is en route) from my Tassimo Single-Serve Hot Beverage Maker.

That didn't happen today and no one should be subjected to me before I've had my morning coffee (let's just say I don't look a lot like Jesus before I've been adequately caffeinated).

I don't even like me before I've had my cup of Starbucks House Blend Mélange Maison .. ummmm.

Unfortunately, I will be going to the church at 8:30 and working until time for my appointment, so .. even though I plan to head straight to my office and close/lock the door .. there is the possibility of human contact from the time I leave my car to the time I get to my "cave."

If you are anywhere near the vicinity of 3400 Mitchell Street at that time, may I suggest you "steer clear."

We wouldn't want anyone to get hurt.

"And the mean man shall be brought down .."
- Isaiah 5:15a

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