Saturday, January 23, 2010

Smile ... Pretty Please

Tonight I am speaking at my first banquet of 2010.

It is a little bit of a surprise since most of my "gigs" don't start until the month of February .. specifically, the weekend of Valentines Day .. which evidently is the time when God meant for banquets to be held.

Everyone thinks of July and August as being the hottest months.

When it comes to banquets, however, that distinction goes to December and February.

It seems every church and their brother .. or should that be .. and their brethren?? .. wants to have some type of banquet around Christmas or Valentines Day.

I am one of the most popular guys you have ever seen during the second and twelfth months of the year when I receive far more invitations than I can fulfill.

The other ten months?

Lepers get more social interaction.

Thank you, Calvary (my friend, David G has spent years of vanity and pride there) Baptist Church for thinking outside the box (as I said, David G is there .. now that's way outside the box .. and off the wall, too) by having a banquet in January.

You won't be sorry .. unless you are expecting to laugh.

It's hard to be funny during the off months.

".. God has made laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh with me." - Genesis 21:6

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