Thursday, April 22, 2010

Give a Hoot .. Don't Pollute

Happy Earth Day to You ♪♫
Happy Earth Day to You ♪♫
Happy Earth Day dear day to inspire awareness and appreciation for the environment ♪♫
Happy Earth Day to You!

April 22 is Earth Day and today it is 40 years old (I remember turning forty .. sorry, but it's all downhill from here).

Although I wouldn't consider myself a "tree hugger" (does someone need a hug? .. come here .. you big birch, you), I think we all could do a better job of taking care of what God has given us.

It has been said that "little things mean a lot" (if you've seen the stone in Cheryl's engagement ring, you can tell I'm a firm believer in this theory) and here are a few little things that can help with the environment.
  • Shut off water when you brush your teeth .. or just don't brush your teeth at all
  • Walk, ride a bike or take the bus instead of traveling by car .. or stay home from work altogether
  • Take faster showers or baths in just a small amount of water .. or shower in twos (Cheryl didn't buy my 'going green' explanation, but it was worth a shot)
  • Hang clothes on the line instead of putting them in the dryer .. or just put them on wet (they will dry eventually plus no one can tell when you sweat)
  • Choose products that are not over packaged .. or just borrow things from your neighbors and conveniently forget to return them (I've been trying to get a Sony Walkman out of one of those ''sealed and safe for eternity' plastic packages since 1978)
Finally, did you know that every year, 3,740,000 trees are cut down in the US to make receipt paper?

That's right.

Not only does this cost our earth the beauty and carbon-monoxide reducing benefits that trees provide but also 1,529,660,000 gallons of water, 101,860,000 gallons of oil, 129,140,000 pounds of air pollution, 673,200 cubic yards of landfill space, and 896,940 Kilowatt hours of energy for the process.

Katie, that's why I fail to turn in receipts.

It's for the children.

"The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." - Psalm 34:1

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