Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Have a Rockin' Birthday!

Today my favorite son (okay, he's my only son, but that doesn't make him any less special) is twenty six years of age (that really makes me feel old .. thanks a lot, Drew) and I would like to take this opportunity to wish him a very "Birthy Hapday!"

Cheryl and I couldn't be there on this special day, but we did get to spend Sunday night and all day yesterday with "number one son" (since we didn't have church on Sunday evening and Cher was out of school Monday, we 'shot out of there' after the morning worship service .. btw, a wise decision .. read my April 5th post .. and drove to Chattanooga).

Okay, I pretty much "tell it all" on here, but I didn't mention the fact that we were out of town on yesterday's blog.

The reason?

If you are the kind of person who frequents this place who knows what else you could be capable of doing!!! .. I just could't risk someone breaking into our house while we are away (because of information I shared) and stealing all of Cheryl's very expensive jewelry (sadly, she hasn't been able to enjoy the 'finer things' in recent years .. since Service Merchandise went out of business).

It was a quick trip (except for the driving part .. are we there yet?), but we did accomplish quite a bit in a short amount of time.

The highlights included: a birthday meal at Waffle House (his choice .. I've taught my kids to appreciate only the finest cuisine), Conway Twitty's, "Hello Darlin" .. yes, heard at the Waffle House, a swim in the hotel pool (the rules stated you had to be a registered guest, but we're rebels, you know), Thai food at "Sweet Basil" (Blest be the Thai .. it did not bind), new tennis shoes and jeans (although spiritual sounding .. his old ones were 'Holey, Holey, Holey' .. this was a very necessary purchase, possibly saving him from indecent exposure charges) from the appropriately named, Hamilton Place Mall, and a trip to McKay's (one stop shopping for used movies, CDs, books, etc..) where he spent some of his birthday money ($40 buys something like 137 VHS tapes).

We were back in Humboldt by nine o'clock last night and for the record .. totally worth it!

".. my dearly beloved son: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord."
- II Timothy 1:2


erin said...

Oh man, I miss McKay's! There is one in Knoxville, and I frequented it quite often when I lived there.

RevKev♫ said...

You can spend a lot of money saving a lot of money there!