Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday: A Day of Rest ... Yeah, Right

Sunday is often referred to as a "day of rest" ... by those not in the ministry or affiliated with a Baptist church.

Since God created everything in six days and rested on the seventh, we are to follow His example and heed scripture .. "Six days thou shalt do thy work, and on the seventh day thou shalt rest." - Exodus 23:12a.

If you continue reading the book of Exodus, verse 15 of chapter 31 has this to say, "whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death."

Although we no longer live under the law, most Baptist churches do their very best to fulfill that last part.

If you attend every single activity we schedule on a typical Sunday .. it will kill you.

Ask any member of our Social Committee .. I mean .. Social Team (we use that terminology these days .. the same people do the same job and it's the same amount of work, but they are now a team ... Go, Team, Go!).

Most were involved with our youth all weekend at THRIVE (for some reason church related activities have one word names these days .. THRIVE, CORE, FISH, ACTS, etc. ... Anything with two or more words has been deemed unspiritual and without value (example: Bro. Kevin .. wow, it's true!).

On Sunday, they had to set things up for a reception from 2:30-4:00 honoring our custodian, "Ro" Gooch, a man who wears many hats (including one that resembles a taxi driver's cap .. and a beret) and just retired after 33 years of service at FBC (he, like several others, has been 'cleaning up my messes' over the last ten years).

After the reception (which was well received .. I might add), they set up for our informal Sunday night Bible study in the Fellowship Hall and provided snacks, i.e. leftovers from THRIVE and Ro's reception. Then, they cleaned up afterward .. for the gazillionth time in three days.

Oh, well. There is no rest for the weary and I suppose the old poem is true ...

Mary had a little lamb
It would have been a sheep
But it joined a Baptist Church
And died from lack of sleep

"Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall" - Isaiah 40:30

1 comment:

Theology Reflections said...

Perfect start to my day .. Sorry about your weekend ;-)