Saturday, February 27, 2010

Those Were the Days, My Friend(s)

When Union University moved to their new campus (1976 doesn't sound all that 'new' anymore) I was in that inaugural freshman class.

Usually the upperclassmen have the upper hand when it comes to knowing the location of every class, where to find the professors' offices, how to get to the cafeteria and .. most importantly .. where to find a restroom (the next stop immediately after leaving the cafeteria .. I wonder who thought boiled okra and stewed tomatoes would make a good combination???).

However, since this was a new school, the playing field (I suppose because Union is a Christian institution .. that should be 'praying field') was leveled and the seniors didn't know any more about the campus than I did.


I entered the school as a music major (with a double minor in 'goofing off' and 'prank pulling') and my four year scholarship entailed singing in an ensemble .. Proclamation (or the Proclamations .. as we were called by 95% of the preachers who introduced us).

We sang all over Tennessee and several surrounding states at revival services, youth rallies and church banquets to help promote Union University (there were no tornados back then and they had to rely on groups like ours to raise awareness of the school).

I traveled a lot of miles and ate my fair share of roast beef, mashed potatoes, and green beans (the God-ordained, banquet meal of choice) with these people and they were like my own family .. minus the sibling rivalry .. for four years.

Sadly, like in so many instances, I have not seen some of these "family members" since my graduation in 1979 (surprised, aren't you? .. I'm edumacated!).

This morning at 10 o'clock that will no longer be the case because I am attending an informal "Proc" reunion at Union.

That's right. Several from the "old gang" (all of us are old .. a few have possible gang ties) will be there to laugh and reminisce (since well over 30 years have passed .. maybe just the laughing part).

That's right.

The Proclamations are back, baby!

I just hope I can remember everyone's name.

"My kinsfolk have failed, and my familiar friends have forgotten me." - Job 19:14


Stephanie said...

I thought the standard fare for meals was spaghetti!! Can't tell you how many spaghetti dinners I ate in Youth Groups and as an adult - taking youth on trips. We always hoped for good ole homemade desserts - to help the spaghetti go down. ha ha Have fun!!!

RevKev said...

Lots of spaghetti on youth trips. Banquets for adults always fared better!

BGrant said...

We truly had a great time!