Thursday, April 8, 2010

iMac ... myMac

Once you go Mac .. you'll never go back.

Words to live by.

I have been purchasing Apple products since the early 90s.

I would have started in 1984 when the first Mac came out (On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you'll see why 1984 won't be like '1984' .. that ad still gives me chills, tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat), but we couldn't afford a new computer and a new baby.

After our second child, we finally decided to bite the bullet and enter into the computer age (small children can only watch so many episodes of "Blues Clues, "Sesame Street," and "The Electric Company" .. we needed other ways to entertain them).

My first (you always remember your first) was a Performa 637CD.

We bought it at Sears with one of those "no interest for 12 months" promotions and it cost about as much as our car (this is both a commentary on how expensive computers were back then and how crappy our car was .. if there was a 'cash for clunkers' incentive at the time, they would have laughed and said 'take a hike').

This was the beginning of a "love affair" (Cheryl and I have an open marriage .. she knows my mistress is a Mac .. and it seems to work for us) that has continued for almost 20 years.

Today another "significant other" will come into my life when UPS delivers an iMac to First Baptist Church in Humboldt.

This will be the very first Mac in an office full of PCs and I'm just a little nervous.

I know some will stare. Others will whisper. Many won't understand.

However, deep down I know .. it can't be wrong when it feels so right.

I must go now.

I'm getting a little misty.

" .. let tears run down like a river day and night: give thyself no rest; let not the apple of thine eye cease."
- Lamentations 2:18b


dawsonhull said...

Bro. Kevin, I brought the first Mac into the office of Second Baptist Church with my MacBook Pro. Our IT guy still thinks I'm weird. Unfortunately, our internet connection goes through a proxy which doesn't allow me to use Mail or iChat or anything fun....but that's probably a good thing..

Enjoy your new Mac!

erin said...

My name is Erin, and I'm a PC.

The Blessed Wife said...

Where are you going to put it in your office ;)?

Matthew said...

I'm a recent disciple of Apple, thanks to Dawson. I'm with ya, Kevin, once you go never go back. I'm sure Humboldt is a better place with a computer that actually works.

Chere Carol might be a better road, too.

RevKev♫ said...

Dawson & Matthew: I knew I really liked you Hull guys for some reason. Blessed Wife: I have you know my office has been cleaned and looks pretty darn good .. at the moment. Erin: Admitting you have a problem is the first step toward recovery.