Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon .. It's Just a Phase

I love junk food as much as the next guy, but I don't get it???

Why would anyone in their right mind stand in line (midnight .. are you kidding me???) just to be one of the first to buy a snack?

I bet it's all a big publicity stunt .. like the "new" Coke fiasco that happened back in 1985 .. and you won't be able to tell one bit of difference when you take that first "bite."

What's next .. a "new" and improved Royal Crown Cola?

You people are "lunatics" and have played right into the hands of those advertising "blood-suckers."

You won't find me "sticking my neck out" for such a trivial cause.

If you see me standing in a long line it will be for something worthwhile .. like a new version of the iphone.

UPDATE: My wife just informed me all this hype is over a movie .. not two round graham cracker cookies with marshmallow filling in the center that has been dipped in chocolate.

Never mind.

"Then Jonathan said to David, Tomorrow is the new moon." - I Samuel 20:18a

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