Monday, July 27, 2009

Another Home Run

Well, the Golden Sounds and the SonShiners were a big "hit" .. once again (I can't wait to get old .. everyone thinks you're so cute) with their final performance (that sounds like they all passed as soon as it was over .. no, everyone is fine) of Homeward Bound last night.

My sick actor (see Saturday's post) came through like a real trooper and was able to finish the presentation. However, he should have been on the "disabled list" since he was still running a low grade fever at curtain time. I'm reasonably certain he will be on the "DL" today after ignoring his wife's pleas to stay at home last night. I understand she was a little "miffed" (okay, let's just tell it like it is .. he's a dead man) and my guess is this will put Randy out of commission for the remainder of the season.

Last night's attendance was excellent with many "visitors," as well as, "home" folk who came out to show their support.

Finally, the social team and Sanctuary Choir did a wonderful job with the "concessions" that followed.

We had hotdogs, pizza, nachos and lots of "goodies." The menu had everything you would find at the ballpark .. except beer (we are Baptists, you know, and a good Baptist never drinks beer .. at church).

The Homeward Bound project (not to be confused with the Blair Witch Project .. although I did see real fear and heard very heavy breathing as the group was going up and down the stairs in the choir loft) was a huge success and many have already expressed interest in doing something like it again.

I'll think about that .. during our seven week break.

You people wear me out!

"Even the youths shall faint and be weary." - Isaiah 40:30

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Glad it went well. Now you just have to take the little and big kids to the ballpark for a game and you'll be complete - a home run!

Keep up the great work!