Tuesday, July 7, 2009

F.I.S.H. (Day Two) .. Take a Deep Breath

F.I.S.H. went great yesterday.

We had a well-behaved school of sharks and stingrays (all the children were divided into two main groups) and they were alert (perhaps not upon arrival .. but we got there), responsive (I'm getting a pulse) and attentive (I'm assuming this .. since I have a slight attention deficit .. I didn't really pay attention).

All the "heavy stuff" (rehearsals, bible study, memorization relays, etc.) takes place by noon.

We could certainly use more time to practice the music (this musical has to be learned by Friday? .. who's brilliant idea was that???), but that's about as much as you can expect from a group who has been watching the clock since eleven, waiting for lunchtime to arrive.

The kids are just as bad (I was referring to the adult leaders above).

They have been sitting and singing then standing and singing then sitting and singing again all morning long. Coming "back for more" after twelve o'clock would be "cruel and unusual punishment" (much like being subjected to William Shatner's rendition of Rocketman at the 1978 Science Fiction Awards).

So, each afternoon there is some type of fun activity planned.

Yesterdays outing was to the Milan skating rink (nothing says good clean Christian fun quite like the limbo and chicken dance).

Today, we are going to the FunZone (don't say anything .. it's actually AutoZone .. there was some type of scheduling snafu so we're dropping the children off at the automotive supply store and letting them play with the AM/FM CD receivers that are on display for two and a half hours).

Tomorrow .. it's the toy department at Fred's Dollar Store.

"In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children." - Genesis 3:16b


erin said...

I thought it went really well, too! Go Green team! Hehe.

Cathy said...

Sounds like you have a great thing going there! I loved "Sermon on the Mound". It was a fun musical and fairly easy to learn, plus the boys liked it! If you get discouraged, remember that when they come back the next day, they know everything you taught them. They were just too tired to remember it anymore today. Have fun!