Saturday, July 11, 2009

Relax .. It's Saturday

After a particularly long week (I believe it had eight days), I am looking forward to a day of rest. Normally that would be Sunday. However, if you are a Baptist that doesn't apply.

I've heard revival preachers often quote this little poem (they also tell the joke about the elderly woman sucking the chocolate off the peanuts in the bowl .. give it a rest .. we heard it from the last revival preacher) but it really is true:

Mary had a little lamb,
'twas given her to keep.
But then it joined a Baptist church
and died from lack of sleep

I only mention this little poem in case there is one person left in the world that hasn't heard it (also, did you know Michael Jackson died? .. I know there really hasn't been much in the news about it).

So, it's Saturday and I have no big plans.

Cheryl, however, always has a project going.

She likes to stay busy and she thinks those around her (since I'm the only one left at this old house .. that would be me) should be busy, as well.

Often she doesn't have a specific plan when the day begins but that can all change within minutes.

Last Friday she decided the pantry needed reorganizing (I believe she was getting some peas off the shelf and it looked cluttered in there). Did she move some cans around and line them up alphabetically? Did she group them by type (vegetables, fruits, etc.)?


We had to go to Lowe's (this was four o'clock in the afternoon) to buy new shelving .. and it had to be installed that very day. What's that all about?

I have a theory about organized people.

They are just too lazy to look for things.

"As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed." - Proverbs 26:14

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