Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Christmas Rush Continues

I am doing my little "dog and pony show" (as Frank C calls it) today at lunchtime and (once again) it is for a group of senior adults in Memphis (seems like I just did that on Tuesday??).

This "gig" is at Whitten Memorial Baptist Church where I served (no, I wasn't a waiter .. music minister) before coming to Humboldt in 1999.

Last Saturday, I got to see several of my former choir members (they weren't really mine, I suppose .. but I am somewhat possessive) from the church when they came over to lend a hand (actually .. a voice) with our musical, ONLY LOVE.

Today, I will renew old acquaintances (they are senior citizens, you know) with a few more when I speak to the Keenagers (I just love these group names .. it was the XYZ Club on Tuesday .. the Keenagers today .. what's next? .. the Over-the-Hill Gang??) at 11:30.

It seems like most of the speaking invitations I have gotten of late have been from senior groups.

I'm not sure if this indicates I am getting older and only relate to the elderly, or if the word has spread that I don't charge a set fee (you should see their little eyes light up when they hear this .. the ones that can still hear).

Whatever the reason, keep an eye out (or should that be .. take your teeth out??).

The RevKev Geriatric Comedy Tour is coming to a city near you.

"Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth." - Psalm 71:9

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