Saturday, May 16, 2009

Off to a Slow Start

If you are a regular (I suppose the same is true of a short or long) follower of this blogspot, you have probably noticed the "posted at" times of my daily entries (it's found at the bottom of each rant/rambling).

For the most part, I am an early riser.

Monday through Thursday I set the alarm for 5 o'clock (though I have been known to wake up at all hours of the night and type away whenever that happens). On Friday, my day off .. from church (Cheryl often has a list of 'honey dos' for me) and Saturday, I don't set my clock. I just get up when I wake up (if Cheryl did that, she would never be seen by the outside world .. the woman functions better with 12 to 14 hours of sleep .. mind-boggling!). Sunday is my day of rest (I admit it .. I stole the idea of working six days and resting on the seventh .. I can't quite remember where I got that???).

Because of a rather hectic schedule the past few weeks, I have found it more and more difficult to "kick my bony bottom" (sorry about the salty language) out of bed.

If you are an early morning follower of RevKev's blog (I have them .. my 'page view counter' also records your IP address and tells me what time you logged on .. Big Brother is watching!), you know my posts have been somewhat "tardy" of late.

Today I woke up at six .. then six thirty .. then seven .. then .. I AM starting to function like Cheryl, queen of the snooze button .. who, by the way is still in bed as I write.

Part of my problem has been a lack of something to say (I can almost hear the audible gasps .. as opposed to the inaudible ones, which I can almost NOT hear, I guess .. hmm). Hard to believe, but true.

I am coming up on one year of blogging (at the end of this month) and there's really not much new to say. Unlike LOST, I don't have a master plan and know exactly what will happen next (2010 is the final season and the producers say they already know how the series will end .. I suspect they are scrambling around the studio and screaming a lot at each other as they try to put an end to this albatross .. you know they have to be saying, 'What the heck were we thinking?').

This blog has been renewed for another season .. for now.

However, you might have to check by a little later in the day for updates. Especially, on the weekend.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog-tired music minister.

"As the door turneth upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his bed" - Proverbs 26:14

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Uh, you always have something to say. Always. So just say it already. A six addiction? The challenge is on.