Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sleepless in Humboldt

They say (again, who the heck are they??) you can count on two things (besides your hands and feet) in life: death and taxes.

I have found you can count on at least two more: the Sun rising early in the morning and Cheryl .. not.

Well, I now think the IRS may be disbanding (it's a taxing job), the funeral home business going under, and the song "Here Comes the Sun" will never be heard again.

The past two mornings I have gotten up at 5 o'clock to find Cheryl (or Sleeping Beauty as she is normally known) outside .. watering her flowers .. in the dark.

How strange is that?

I am always the one who "didn't sleep at all last night." So, I have come to the conclusion insomnia is contagious. Who knew?

I feel her pain.

Not being able to sleep is miserable .. on you and everyone who has to come in contact with you that day. I've been there (both as the cranky and one having crankiness thrust upon them) .. it ain't pretty.

Everyone avoids you. No one speaks to you. It's almost like being a first time visitor in a Baptist church.

I don't know what has caused Cheryl's sleeplessness.

Perhaps, she has a lot on her mind with work.

Maybe, she is eating the wrong types of food late at night.

She could be thinking of ways to murder me and make it look like an accident (here we go again .. after 28 years of marriage I'm getting used to that one).

Whatever is going on with her .. I'm not asking.

We don't need another Hiroshima.

"For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall." -Proverbs 4:16


Cathy said...

Tell her I'm sorry. I HATE not sleeping. I love to sleep. I WANT to sleep. Sleep is good. Sleep makes me very, very, very happy in my heart.

RevKev said...

I'll pass on your condolences.

Tom T. Kitty said...

Poppies...poppies will make her sleep...