Monday, May 18, 2009

A. Ray of Hope

Yesterday after church (okay, we left before it was completely over .. it felt like we were 'cutting' and .. it was awesome!), Cheryl and I made our way to Millington to participate in a special service honoring Dr. A. Ray Newcomb.

Sunday was "Bro. Ray's" last day as pastor of First Baptist Church. A place he had faithfully served for over 33 years.

All those years in one church. This is hard for me to fathom (like .. if 7-Eleven is open twenty four hours a day, seven days a week .. why do they need a lock on the door??). I could never stay at one church for that length of time (I could .. but they won't let me .. Baptists .. can't live with 'em, can't get paid without their continued financial support).

I served on staff with Bro. Ray from 1984-90 and since he survived that (I moved all the senior adults to another part of the building, knocked down a wall and created a choir suite .. all while he was out for two weeks), it was a sure bet (this is just an expression .. I am not condoning gambling, mind you .. unless it's a 'sure thing' and you tithe on your winnings) he could stay as long as he wanted.

You can't think of Bro. Ray and not think of evangelism. Sam and Dave may have made it famous, but Bro. Ray is the original "Soul Man." I still marvel at his commitment to consistently share the gospel (one on one) and "walk the walk" not just "talk the talk."

Rusty Eason, FBC's Minister of Music, sang "Thank You" during the festivities yesterday and invited those who had come to know Christ under Bro. Ray's ministry to move forward during the chorus. It was quite a sight seeing so many make their way through the crowd and line up across the front (the last time I cried like that was at the end of 'Homeward Bound'). What a blessing!

Bro. Ray, you have been an inspiration to many and "ticked off" a few (you're a pastor .. it's what you guys do). You are one of my heroes in the faith and I count it a privilege to have served along side you for six and a half years.

"Well done" (Bob Sorrell said you were 'rare' .. what does he know .. he also called you Ray Newsome), good and faithful servant.

" .. he that winneth souls is wise" - Proverbs 11:30b

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