Saturday, May 2, 2009

Partying Like It Was 1979

Last night our college seniors from FBC .. and any other students/friends who had ten dollars to spare .. went on a "mystery trip." All they were told ahead of time was 1) this is a semiformal event and 2) we are having seafood.

The final destination was the Richland Country Club in Brentwood and did it ever meet (and exceed) their expectations!

Beautiful facilities on the inside (not so sure about the outside .. it was raining so hard you could only see the exterior when all the lightning was striking) and a seafood buffet that was "to die for" .. and that is not beyond the realm of possibility (since I forgot to take my cholesterol medicine).

Shrimp, crab legs, muscles (nicknames of three of our students .. also, on the buffet table) were just a few of the food items available. There were also scallops, oysters on the half shell (I had eight to ten and 'slurped' them down just to embarrass and 'gross out' my watchcare daughter, Danielle .. since I didn't have my own daughter, Megan there to .. embarrass and 'gross out'), smoked salmon, pecan trout, clams, swordfish and anything else you might want.

I didn't even mention the desserts (too many to name .. I was good and didn't indulge .. of course there wasn't room for key lime pie or crème brûlée after consuming two to three pounds of boiled shrimp).

The evening concluded with recognition of our graduating seniors and 45 minutes to an hour of "photo taking" in the very plush (swanky) lobby.

We boarded the buses and headed back to Union University and Humboldt, our two pick up/drop off (sounds like a Russian chauffeur .. Pickup Andropoff) locations.

I got in the bed at 2 o'clock this morning (explaining the late post on today's blog) .. fat, sassy and exhausted.

I'm getting (perhaps, 'have gotten' is more accurate) too old for this stuff.

"It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows" - Psalm 127:2a


Cathy said...

I think you just went into the ministry to eat. No fair.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo I was mentioned by name in one of your highly acclaimed blogs!