Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Good Enough for Me and Bobby D

I had a great time singing yesterday with my West Tennessee Music Minister buddies for the senior adults at First Baptist Church in Jackson. They were a good audience (no beer bottles thrown .. of course we were at church) and they allowed us to go first through the food line .. an unselfish act (if you are over 65 a nice meal is your number one source of entertainment .. I work with seniors .. this is a fact).

An added bonus was seeing Bobby Newton, my old (the man has to be 112 or so) high school band and chorus director.

Last year "Bobby D" celebrated his 45th anniversary (talk about going nowhere .. stuck in the same old job) as organist of FBC Jackson and all I can say is, "Wow!"

Mr. Newton was one of those teachers you just can't forget (not one of the ones who leaves permanent scars .. the good kind). Always full of wit (this is often said of me .. or something sort of like that), he made music fun (except just before contest time .. don't ask) and enjoyable (you should hear him play and sing, 'Too Pooped to Pop' .. hilarious).

He cared about his students and took an interest in them even outside the classroom (he introduced a few of us brave souls to 'chitterling night' at the Fox restaurant in Jackson .. and to think no one thought I had the guts).

God called me into the music ministry. Mr. Newton helped encourage and train me musically to do the task.

Bobby D, much of what I am today is because of you.

I hope you are able to sleep at night.

"And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding." - Daniel 9:22


Beverly said...

When I interpreted for the deaf at FBC, Bobby and I would play a game during the prelude. He would play bizarre songs and disguise them as Mozart, Beethoven, etc. One Sunday he played all Disney tunes. My job was to see if I could guess all of them. My reward was his raised eyebrows and one sided grin. I love that guy - do you have an email or FB connections I could have?

RevKev said...

If I recall, he did "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" once. Bev, I don't have contact info. However, I emailed the Minister of Music and asked him to pass the word on to Bobby that he was on the WWW. If Greg responds with an email address, I'll let you know. Blessings!

Teresa said...

I sure love Bobby D! I haven't seen him since my mom's funeral last year - and I was so glad to see him....and I do recall the pre-contest rehearsals,, so I don't have to ask..........yikes!