Tuesday, October 20, 2009

In the Middle and There's No Looking Back

We are at the midway point for this series of revival "meetings" at Smyrna Baptist Church and it would be easy just to look at it as "two down .. two to go."

So often we breeze through the events of our lives and merely check that one off the list so we can move on to the next event .. so we can check that one off the list .. etc. etc. etc..

Even though I've been "plumb tuckered out" (I'm brushing up on my 'old-timer talk' .. since I'm fast approaching that status) by the time I've gotten home the last couple of evenings, it has been a "good" tired.

I knew when I agreed to lead the music for the week (in 'the ministry' a week means Sunday through Wednesday .. Oh, How I Love Jesus!) I would have an hour and a half drive to and from the church (actually it only takes ninety minutes to get home .. thank goodness).

Since they feed us at 5:30, this means I have to leave Humboldt by four o'clock (I'm a Union graduate and figured that out all by myself).

The services have also been approximately an hour and a half long (finishing around 8:30) so by the time I stand around talking, it is close to nine before I can head toward the house (estimated time of arrival - 10:30 PM .. I should have minored in math).

After a long, grueling day at the office (sing song .. play piano .. sing song while playing piano .. I tell you, it's a pressure cooker) I am ready for bed as soon as I walk in the door.

So, why do I do it?

I needed to experience personal revival .. for such a time as this.

With challenging messages about renewal from Beau Cooksey, I'm getting far more than I am giving.

That's right, Rick Warren .. It's all about me!

Okay, maybe not all .. but some.

"After two days will he revive us." - Hosea 6:2a

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