Saturday, October 10, 2009

Writer's Block (Mental Constipation)

Judging by the last two blog entries, I have either: 1) developed a fascination with dancing (a good Baptist has to live vicariously through others to experience it .. or you can sneak around), 2) I have "hit a wall" and can't come up with any new and fresh ideas to convey.

Don't get me wrong. There are plenty of thoughts "swimming" around in my brain (the voices .. the voices .. make them stop). However, most shouldn't .. "come up for air."

I usually have no preconceived idea what I want to blog about when I go to bed. There is no "pressure to perform" or "fear of failure" (those are reserved solely for my profession .. where I am hanging by a thread).

When I sit down at the computer I start thinking about what is ahead for the day. If something is the least bit out of the ordinary, I try to find a way to incorporate that into my writing. If the day appears to consist of the "same old same old," I let my imagination wander for a while (it really should be on a leash .. several of the neighbors have complained) and see where it might lead.

Possible blog subjects .. the first things that popped into my mind today, included:
  • The weather (talk about beating a dead horse .. this is only an expression, PETA)
  • My infected big toe (with photo, of course)
  • Using the last of the coffee (this was just a little too serious to discuss)
  • Eating a bowl of cereal with Half and Half instead of milk (we were out of heavy whipping cream)
  • The need to replace AA batteries in my Bluetooth mouse (the warning light has been flashing for days now .. it's a good thing I don't have epilepsy)
In and of themselves, these possible subjects would seem dull and boring. However, in the hands of a skilled writer, even the most mundane, everyday occurrence can "spring to life" and totally captivate the interest of the reader.

Now, if only I could find a skilled writer .....

"It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee" - Luke 1:3a

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