Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sore Throat Saturday

I started the week with a slight sore throat and I immediately prayed I would be able to make it through the revival (the last day was Wednesday) without getting sick.

Well, the Lord answered that prayer.

I wish I had been more specific and asked to be completely exempt from illness because that slight sore throat is not so slight anymore. In fact, I find it hard to swallow that I .. find it hard to swallow.

As is the case with many men, when I'm miserable .. everyone is miserable. I'm just not a very patient .. patient.

Tomorrow is a very busy day.

I know Sunday is supposed to be a "day of rest" (Exodus 23:12a), but Baptists know better than scripture and try to cram as much as possible into that day (we also like to skip over those verses about gluttony).

The Sanctuary Choir has a "bonus rehearsal" after lunch (12:45 PM) to work on Christmas music and following a 9 o'clock practice and 10:30 worship service, I'm probably going to feel like a dog (no offense intended toward those of the canine persuasion).

Feeling like a dog + sore throat: Just call me the "dog whisperer."

"I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried."
- Psalm 69:3a

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