Monday, October 19, 2009

Open Your Mouth and Say "Ah"

There are some things in life you can always depend on:
  • The Sun rising in the East (and the son rising in the East .. Drew lives in Chattanooga)
  • The changing of the four Seasons (have you seen Frankie Valli lately? .. wow)
  • Death and taxes (usually not in that order .. however, the latter can lead to the former)
  • Me starting revival services with a sore throat
The revival at Smyrna Baptist Church in Burlison, TN has been on my calendar for weeks and I have waited patiently (okay .. just waited) for some ailment or affliction to hit.

It always does.

No matter how careful I am about staying out of people's faces, I will wind up with a "close talker" (our noses don't have to touch in order for me to hear you .. promise) with a hacking cough or cold.

No matter how many times I "wash up" before a meal, someone will inevitably approach me in a restaurant, extend their germ-infested hand and say "put'er there."

What's a social animal to do?

I'm not sure if it's from overuse, drainage or illness. I do know, however .. my throat is really bothering me this morning.

I suspect it will be bothering others tonight at revival.

"I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world." - Matthew 13:35b


GS said...

I can't believe that Erin didn't point out that it's "latter" not "later." So, since she didn't, I won't either. Have a great last two nights in revival.

RevKev♫ said...

I stand corrected (actually, I sit corrected). Nice catch .. especially since you are an educator. BTW, Erin has the gift of mercy.