Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sweatin' with the Oldies

Well, it's another scorcher out there (Tennessee Williams would be so inspired) and it doesn't look like the heat is going to let up all week. We did get about an inch of rain on Saturday, but when it was over, it felt even worse.

The relative humidity (that sounds like how much your aunt sweats) was quite high and it just zaps every bit of energy that you have if you are outside for very long.

We have a couple of youth groups in from Texas this week and they are staying at the church every night. During the day, they are involved in some service projects (painting and repair), backyard Bible clubs, and a sports camp. All of these require the young (and not so young .. Lonnie) people to be right out there in the burning sun. As my mother would say, "Drink plenty of water."

If I really wanted to sound like mom, I would also have to ask if they were wearing clean underwear. I was always puzzled by this and inquired once as to why that was important. The answer was, "In case you get in an accident." (Never mind that severed arm, mister. Take a look at these undies. My mother really cares about me).

Somehow I suspect if my underwear was clean at the time of impact .. it might not be that way afterwards.

Do they make Huggies® in "big boy" sizes?

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