Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Can Hear the Music .. Could You Keep It Down a Little, Please?

February is here and it has arrived as a whirlwind with a vengeance (much like my stomach after a bag full of Krystals or 'gut bombs' as I like to call them).

In the world of stand up comedy, this second month of the year is probably the most popular time for banquets at civic organizations and churches, so .. it's very busy for guys like me (stand up wannabes).

This is a good thing in terms of supplemental income (last month's utility bill was the highest I have seen in all my fifty one years .. it's either doing comedy or I'm going to have to start delivering pizzas on the side). This is a bad thing in terms of juggling outside speaking engagements with my regular (sometimes, large/extra large) church related responsibilities.

I'm not complaining.

The Lord has been very good to me. He has sent many people my way with invitations for me to do my "thang." Most don't really know what my "thang" is. They DO know I don't have a set fee (I've mentioned this before) so, I get many opportunities that wouldn't normally be offered to me. The downside is .. I stay very busy, sometimes have to drive long distances, and don't always make enough to warrant doing so.

The upside is .. I get to meet a lot of different people who haven't heard my old, tired stories a million times and they (occasionally) laugh.

Making someone smile or laugh is one of life's greatest pleasures (when you're over fifty, that's about as good as it gets).

Making someone smile or laugh AND getting "just a small token of our appreciation" is one of life's greatest pleasures PLUS .. "just a small token of our appreciation."

The rush is on.

There may not be much "gold in them there hills" (sometimes I don't get enough to cover gas .. the other kind .. not the kind I get from eating at Krystal) but, I do get an adrenaline rush every time I'm in front of a crowd.

Live and on stage in February at a theater near you .. RevKev.

Check local listings. Some restrictions (stuff Cheryl won't let me say) may apply.


jidgede said...

YOU'RE over 50??????????

RevKev♫ said...

Now, I know why I like you so much. Bless you, my child.

Anonymous said...

When are you coming back to Whitten, or has your act been restricted to immature audiences?

You're over 50? Let's see the AARP card! Maybe you can qualify for the senior discount on those Krystals!