Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Singer Saved By Grace

Last night, some of the members (and I emphasize the word some .. not many .. or most) from our adult choir boarded the church bus and went to the Civic Center in Jackson for a Community Chorus rehearsal. We are joining singers from Englewood Baptist Church, Worst (make that 'First') Baptist in Jackson, West Jackson Baptist Church, Union University and a few "strays" tonight for a celebration service on the one year anniversary of the tornado that hit the campus of Union.

Remembering February 5: An Evening of Thanksgiving will feature a 200+ voice choir with orchestra, plus testimonies from students and others whose lives were changed by the tornado. According to the university president, Dr. David Dockery, the service will also include a time of recognition for the "dedicated efforts of first responders, community and church leaders, contractors, construction workers and all who went above and beyond the call of duty (there's that word again .. 'newbies' can search the archives to see what I'm talking about) to help rebuild and restore Union University."

Our church staff was on campus within thirty minutes of this disaster (I still needed a few chapel credits) and we saw things "up close and personal." Fifty one students were hospitalized that night, but no one was killed.

It really was a miracle.

There was $40 million in damage to the campus with 70 percent of student housing being destroyed. One year later, everything is almost back to "normal" and the university has 14 new buildings (they were completed by the Fall semester in September .. amazing!!).

Cheryl and I were able to house a "displaced" student (one of our church watch-care daughters, Danielle) from February to May and that was a wonderful experience (it was great having someone to boss around, again .. hearing 'I hate you and I wish I'd never been born' .. brought back so many fond memories).

After tonight, the "tornado chapter" from Union's history should be closed.

It's time to look ahead .. and not a moment too soon.

Is it me or was Dr. D starting to look and sound just a little like Jerry Falwell?


Susan Nelson said...

Is one of the churches you mentioned really called "Worst Baptist Church"?

RevKev♫ said...

I sometimes refer to a "First" Baptist Church as "Worst" Baptist Church. Not always "truth in advertising" (FBC Jackson deserves better) but, more often than not ...