Monday, February 23, 2009

Looks Can Be Deceiving

I remember hearing this joke as a kid (no, it's not .. what did the big chimney say to the little chimney? .. that is a classic, however). Since I'm always looking for new material for my "little dog and pony show," as Frank Christie calls it .. let me know if you laughed (or even smiled just a little .. I grasp at straws, sometimes .. heard any good 'knock, knock jokes' lately?).

Mary Jane was walking through the cow pasture one day and she saw a fly sitting on a pile of manure. Well, Mary Jane just laughed and laughed. She knew that fly couldn't do all that.

Things are not always as they appear.

Saturday night after the Upward Basketball and Cheerleading Awards Night (okay, during the Upward Basketball and Cheerleading Awards Night .. I cut out early) at church, I stopped by McDonald's to get a Southwest Salad (with grilled, not fried chicken) "to go" (which, by the way, I did at about 2 o'clock in the morning).

I was fairly dressed up for "fast food" at 8 PM on a Saturday evening and I suppose I stuck out like a sore thumb because one of the girls behind the counter kept eyeing me (I did look particularly 'fine' that night .. earlier, a Walmart greeter winked .. I think the name tag said 'George' .. I'll be avoiding that entrance from now on).

She finally spoke up and asked who I was and what I did (sounds like the title of a teen slasher/thriller). She continued to say that I .. looked important.

I couldn't help but smile. Here was a perfect stranger who was .. dead on. Uncanny!

I am important .. and so are you.

Scripture tells us: "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered" - Matthew 10:30.

This may not seem all that impressive to someone who is "follically challenged" (hair today .. gone tomorrow). However, when you look at, say, the two Dunlap boys (sometimes I get tears in my eyes and it hurts just a little .. Lord, couldn't You have redistributed some of that hair to the less fortunate .. like me??), you can see this is no small task.

God knows you in complete detail.

Feel important?

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