Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wrong Place/Wrong Time

Wednesdays are always jam-packed with men's prayer group, snack time with the librarians (sounds like a children's show on PBS), preparing for rehearsals, and working on Sunday's music. If anything extra is added to the mix, I tend to get a little stressed.

Several weeks ago, I received some information about a seminar called "Preparing for Retirement" that was being sponsored by the Tennessee Baptist Convention. Since I've seen my retirement fund drop like a bad Macy's Thanksgiving Day balloon (I have to quit looking at those quarterly statements .. appropriately named because I've lost about 1/4 of what I had) over the past several months and Cheryl said I had to, I planned on attending.

I mentioned the seminar to Bro. Steve, who was also interested, and he made the call to get our names on the list (when he inquired about the time of the meeting, they told him it started at ten o'clock).

So ... I had breakfast with my men's group (Next Door Savior is a great book, by the way) at 7 o'clock, met my dad at 8:15 (he had his truck and came over to help pick up some lawn clippings one of my senior adults had saved for Cheryl's compost pile .. Gus, please don't leave any more messages on my answering machine saying, 'I have seven bags of the finest grass you've ever seen' .. someone could get the wrong idea), got back to the office at 8:45 to work briefly on Children's Choir music (I had combined choirs, grades 1-6, and that requires extra planning .. .. large age span .. thanks workers for your assistance last night .. you done good) and Steve and I left at 9:30 for the meeting.

To make a long story .. even longer, we sat through a presentation that focused primarily on tax laws for ministers. About fifteen minutes before twelve, the speaker announced he would be sharing retirement information from 1:30 to 3:30 PM.

We had spent two hours on the busiest day of my week .. at the wrong seminar.

Since neither one of us could spare the time to spend the day in Jackson, Steve and I returned to Humboldt and I had to tell Cheryl I was still not prepared for retirement.

However, I can help if anyone needs assistance with their W-9.


Susan Nelson said...

Don't be in such a hurry to retire. Some of it is not what it is cracked up to be. Besides, I bet Cheryl has a hidden "honey-do" list that she has been saving for your retirement. It's a wife's deepest darkest secret. Otherwise you guys would never retire.

To brighten your day, I have a book recommendation for you,"It's a Dog-Eat-Dog World and Cats Are Waiting Tables" by Martin Babb. He has a rather dry wit (like someone else I know) but is amusing enough to get the point across. Who knows? Maybe you could steal (Uh...I meant borrow) some of his material.

RevKev♫ said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. It's obvious I need some new stuff!