Monday, April 6, 2009

Coffee .. Breakfast of Champions

They say confession is good for the soul (they .. being anyone who is not guilty of any wrongdoing and who has nothing to lose .. if they did .. they would keep they mouth shut .. I know that's right, girlfriend).

I'm addicted to coffee.

There .. I said it (I sure hope they are happy).

I don't have that many vices (okay, once on vacation in south Florida .. no .. I promised myself never to talk about that .. Miami vice). I don't drink alcoholic beverages, smoke cigarettes, chase women, or take drugs (unless you count Excedrin .. wait, that contains caffeine .. I believe I'm starting to see a connection).

Last week, I ordered a Tassimo Hot Beverage System by Bosch and it will be arriving today.

This single cup brewer not only does coffee, you can make cappuccinos and lattes (with real milk), espresso, tea, crema, and hot chocolate. So now, I can add more than 40 other beverage varieties to my .. addiction.


I already cause motion detectors to short circuit, I sleep with both eyes open, and I can type 65 words per minute .. with my feet.

Gotta go exercise and work off some of this energy (I've already had three cups of java since 5 AM).

At least I don't sweat .. I percolate.

"Awake, psaltry and harp: I myself will awake early."
- Psalm 108:2


GS said...

So. . . .the daughter gets her own day on the blog when it's her birthday, and the son is a side note to your caffeine addiction? Stick some coffee money aside now for family therapy in a few years.

RevKev♫ said...

He doesn't have internet access. She does.

jidgede said...

cheryl, you aren't old enough to have a 25 year old son.....or at least you don't look it!!!! and...........revkev, i share your addiction....hope you enjoy your new machine!!!!

BGrant said...

My husband shares your addiction to java. Staying true to my southern womanhood, I choose sweet iced tea (and Excedrin!).

RevKev♫ said...

Bev .. "sweet tea" .. "sweet -ie" .. it all makes perfect sense!

Cathy said...

NO WAY! You are OLD! Now, THAT makes me happy in my heart!

Tom T. Kitty said...

Guess what goes with coffee...DONUTS!!!!!!