Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good Old Entertainment

This past week has been quite busy traveling with the Chorale across the great state of Tennessee (Monday through Thursday) and it was so good just sitting at home on Friday night with nothing (actually .. I could have cleaned house, washed clothes, worked outside, or done a number of things that needed to be done .. I didn't) to do.

Monday morning at 7 o'clock I will get back on a bus (can you feel my excitement?) with the YYs (Youth of Yesterday) from my church and head out to Branson, Missouri .. Mecca for the elderly.

I knew I would have "back to back" trips when this was planned months ago and I thought, "No problem. I can handle this" .. and I can. How well? Now that's another story.

When I was younger, it was no big deal being gone every night of the week. I got bored easily and the thought of sitting around and doing absolutely nothing (that's why I have office hours) was foreign to me.

This is not the case anymore.

I enjoy sitting on my rusty-dusty (my Grandmother used that term .. so I am becoming more 'Branson-worthy' each day) when I get the chance and I don't apologize for that. When you get older, you don't necessarily have to work harder to keep up with everyone else. You have to work .. smarter.

Working smarter might be accomplished by consolidating tasks, delegating, and pre-planning.

It can also entail the strategic use of "personal days" and calling in sick when there's moving (furniture, large boxes, etc.) to be done.

Pretending to be injured is another highly effective way to work smarter. This must be used sparingly, however. You don't want the people to see a pattern every time there's hard labor (like heavy lifting) involved.

Finally, there is .. faking your own death.

This one can only be used once (per church), so save it for something really big.

"Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him."
- Psalm 37:7a

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