Thursday, April 2, 2009

Return Policy

Yesterday's entry (the announcement of my retirement from the 'blogging business') caused quite a stir (okay, there were seven comments .. four addressing the issue, two comments concerning a previous comment, and one more from me .. don't ask me about it .. I have .. 'no comment').

Of course, the whole thing was obviously (well evidently not .. I received a few concerned phone calls) an April Fools joke (I put cellophane wrap over the toilet, as well .. sorry, office ladies).

Jokes and pranks can be a lot of fun .. when they don't backfire.

I can be a lot of fun when I don't backfire (I am lactose intolerant .. and I milk it for all it's worth).

Sometimes I'll have a brilliant (there is a very fine line between brilliant and stupid .. I cross that line, often) idea that I know will just be hilarious. By the time I plot, plan and execute .. that's what everyone wants to do to me .. execute.

Back in the mid-eighties (the decade .. not the temperature) when I was at FBC Millington, we rented a bounce house for our annual Fall Harvest Festival. These are common place in 2009, but back then they were only available at places like the Mid-South Fair or Chuck E. Cheese.

After it was delivered and set up, I overheard the secretaries discussing "taking it out for a spin" during their lunch hour. So ..

I waited patiently until .. high noon.

I thought the bounce house would slowly deflate (surely it would take a good two to three minutes) as the ladies made their way (in an orderly fashion) to the door .. or "flap." I pictured them screaming like little school girls at first and then laughing as they exited. It was going to be a "hoot" to watch.

This is NOT what happened.

When I "pulled the plug," the bounce house .. later renamed that "horrible, horrible death trap" .. came crashing down .. in less than ten seconds.

Now there are five women (bruised, battered and bloodied) who don't know "what hit 'em," desperately trying to find their way to safety through all the carnage.

It was terrible!

Well, I learned my lesson and I never did anything like that again.

Fortunately, no one was severely injured .. physically.

Emotionally? Today, there are five "jump-a-phobics" in Millington who curl up in the fetal position every time they hear Van Halen.

"And they shall fall one upon another." - Leviticus 26:37a

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