Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Coffee Break .. or Nervous Break(down)

A couple of weeks ago I seemed to be obsessed with food and went on and on for days about it .. sorry. I know that had to be painful and I promise never to do that again.

Today, I continue my discussion on .. coffee (fascinating stuff .. no wonder you people stop by).

My new Tassimo single cup brewing system (purchased for $66 on eBay .. with free shipping .. thank you very much, munkeyface1) arrived late yesterday afternoon at the church office and I was "giddy as a school girl" (perhaps some other analogy would have been better .. in high school the 'jocks' made fun of those in the band .. and chorus .. implying we were not real 'manly men' .. well, I didn't put up with that type of behavior .. I told my momma).

Over the weekend, I had purchased a couple of packages of T-DISCs (they have a bar code on them .. the machine scans the code for the exact specifics of that particular beverage, does all the brewing and seeping .. inside the disc, and dispenses the perfect cup of .. whatever .. it is extremely complicated .. perhaps, designed by a woman) so I would be able to experience immediate gratification when I got home.

Unpacking the Tassimo was like .. Christmas (how sad is that?). I was so excited about my new toy and since Cheryl isn't a coffee drinker .. I didn't have to share.

Set up was a "snap" (there I go again with those effeminate catch words) and after running several cups of water through the unit (per the instructions), it was ready to dispense my first "cup o' caffeine."

Last night I had the Maxwell House Cappuccino and it was .. "good to the last drop."

This morning, it was a bold Starbucks® (what other kind is there??) coffee called Africa Kitamu™ (I had tried it before on our trip to Chattanooga .. a real 'eye opener').

So, there you have it. A quick review of the "Tassimo experience" (that sounds like some type of SciFi thriller staring Tom Cruise).

Let's have another cup of coffee and .. forget the pie.

"... and make their loins continually to shake."
- Psalm 69:23b


Jane Jones said...

Something about this reminds me of seeing you sitting, with that knee bobbing up and down. (Some things you just don't forget.)

RevKev♫ said...

My son, Drew, does it, too! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree .. or the coffee bean .. never mind.

Tom T. Kitty said...

Where are the donuts??????