Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kev's Klip of the Week

Some (perhaps most) of you may have already seen today's video clip (sorry). If you haven't .. enjoy. If you have .. enjoy again!

On a more serious ♪...

When I started blogging back in May of 2008, I didn't really know what I was doing. I wanted a venue where I could express my innermost thoughts (scary) and opinions (more scary) without fear of judgement or rejection. A place where I could actually "say" what I was thinking (most scary).

I have pretty much laid everything "out there" to the entire www (okay .. to a small select group) and have given an "up close and personal" look at the real me .. warts and all.

From the beginning, I knew there would come a time when RevKev's blog had run its course.

That time has come and today's entry will be my last.

Thank you, dedicated readers, for your support over the past ten months. You are the best!

I also want to wish you a happy April 1.

"Remove from me the way of lying .." - Psalm 119:29a


Vicki Dale said...

If this isn't an April fools joke I will forever haunt you. This is the start of my everyday and life can't go on with out Rev Kev's blog. You better be kidding.

Vicki Dale said...

As usual I didn't read till the end before I responded.....I should be wise to this, as I grew up with a sister who's birthday is on April fool's day. She was relentless. What is the old saying fool me once, shame on me...fool me twice (oh whatever)!
P.S. Sunday was my last day in choir.

RevKev♫ said...

Vicki Dale .. don't quit now! We are going to start playing CDs of the choir "specials" and lip syncing them on Sundays .. starting this week.

Jennifer said...

BAD BAD BAD!!!!!!!!!

Allen and Laura said...

The choir would still have to practice though, so the lip syncing would match the song and not come off like some bad Bruce Lee movie knock off. But it would make it easier to hit those high notes... :) Heck even a bad singer like me could join in.

Georgann said...

As everyone else has told you i am ssssoooo glad this is April 1st. This is one of the few things in my life i still have to look forward to. (How sad is that) Love you and the blog.

Cathy said...

You are evil and you must be destroyed! That made me sad in my heart.