Saturday, April 4, 2009

Whosoever Will .. C.O.M.E.

Today from 9 until noon the members of FBC Humboldt will have several opportunities to be "salt and light" in and around our community.

C.O.M.E. (Church On Mission Experiences) is a church-wide (thin members are encouraged to attend, too) mission involvement day that has been designed to share the love of Christ with others.

There are nineteen areas of involvement (you know I didn't plan this .. there would have to be an even twenty because of my OCD .. Monk, I understand) which include: a Prayer Team, Bread Baking Team, Help a Neighbor Team (changing batteries in smoke detectors), Random Acts of Kindness Team, Stuffed Animal Team (distributing stuffed animals .. the team is not comprised of stuffed animals .. although that would be AWESOME!!), HVAC Filter Team, and Birth Choice Team ... just to name a few.

We want, in some small way, to be His hands and His feet to those around us.

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week.

The greatest love ever known took place at the conclusion of that week .. over 2000 years ago .. on an old rugged cross.

Christ died for us. Let us live for Him.

"This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you." - John 15:12


Susan Nelson said...

You OCD???? With an office that looks like yours? You are more of a K.I.S.S. type if you know what I mean.

The first thing M.B. said when he saw your "music room" after he found out I was in charge of it was,"What is THIS???" as if I had trashed it.

Nope, no OCD.

RevKev♫ said...

My obsessive compulsive "thing" is symmetry (like the same number of empty seats on each side of the choir rows). It doesn't always have to do with being a "neat freak" .. and yes, my office has been declared a national disaster.

Tom T. Kitty said...

You mean like if someone ate one of the donuts out of the dozen, you would have to eat one to make it an even number?