Thursday, June 11, 2009

Catfish .. Yum, Yum

The second Thursday of every month is set aside for our senior adult group, the Youth of Yesterday (YYs) and we meet in the fellowship hall of FBC Humboldt .. normally.

Not tonight (if I had a dollar for every time I heard that .. ).

Vacation Bible School is still going on during the day and it would require way too much work (nuff said .. I avoid that sort of thing like the plague) to change the room from "kid friendly" to "not even close to a kid friendly."

So ... we are loading up two buses and going out to eat, a favorite pastime for any senior citizen .. along with: going to the funeral home (knowing the deceased is optional), attending revival services (a minimum of two nights at any church within a thirty mile radius), and picking up sticks in the yard (5,6 .. pick up sticks .. it's a nursery rhyme .. not a commandment, for crying out loud!) on a daily basis.

We have over fifty (most, well over fifty) going to the Catfish Cabin and throwing caution .. and their cholesterol medicine .. to the wind (fried food .. how can it be so wrong when it feels so right?).

My mouth is already watering just thinking about that delicious catfish served with baked potato, slaw and "all you can eat" hushpuppies (for the record, 'all I can eat' is far more than 'all I should eat' .. there's nothing quite like freely consuming big chunks of dough deep-fried in grease).

Get thee behind me, satan .. and push.

"Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die." - Genesis 3:3b

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