Friday, June 12, 2009

VBS: The Final Conflict

Good morning Americans. It's Friday.

Today is the last day of Vacation Bible School and I am "sglad" (that's a combination of sad and glad) to see the week come to an end.

Sad, because the kids have had a great time and seem to be learning so much about Bible characters like Gideon, Esther and Jesus. Glad, because I never completely learned all the motions to the songs and it's embarrassing to be "shown up" by a six year old.

My part (leading three or four songs .. with partial-motions) has been minor compared to most and I'm sure our teachers and workers are "wore slap out" (Bemis .. my hometown .. language for very tired).

Trying to get everyone up during the summer before noon can be a chore (it was around my house when Drew and Megan were here) and I can't even imagine the kind of battles that have been fought all week long. Every day must have seemed like a Sunday morning (You're going to church .. But I don't want to .. I don't care if you want to or not, you're going .. I hate it down there .. I don't want to hear another word .. Please just let me stay home this one time .. No more discussion. Get out of that bed this instant, Kevin Hamilton).

Tonight is our Bible School rally .. a word that means "Let's celebrate. It's over!" in the original Greek .. from 6 until 8 PM. There will be food, fun and fellowship (the second trinity of any Baptist church) and everyone is invited to join the festivities. A fitting ending to a wonderful week.

A special thanks goes to Jaclyn Scott and her "not 2 alive crew."

You done good.

"Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD." - Psalm 34:11


Tom T. Kitty said...

Overheard in the Hamilton household this past Sunday morning: Cheryl said, "You're going to church, Kevin Hamilton! You're the choir director and you have to go! And no donuts for you!"

Tom T. Kitty said...

VBS...memories of pledging to the flags and the Bible, singing songs, crafts, grape koolade, and Jackson's cookies. Do they still make them? I haven't seen them in years? We had our VBS at night, and just the smell of mosquito coils brings back memories.