Friday, June 19, 2009

Sweatin' with the Oldies .. Again

The internet has been down all morning. For you early readers .. sorry.

Did you hear about the hen who wanted to impress all the barnyard animals by laying an egg in a place where it had never been done before? After much deliberation, she decided to do so on a nearby busy highway. When she told the old rooster her plans, he offered two pieces of advice. 1) Do it quickly and 2) Lay it on the line.

Today is a very busy day so I am taking the rooster's advice with this post.

Tonight at 6 o'clock the SonShiners (FBC's choir for 'seasoned singers') will be singing at Humboldt's 2009 Relay for Life at Viking Park.

I am excited about the opportunity to "do ministry" outside the walls of the church. However, I was hoping for somewhere cooler (not cool as in neat or awesome .. cool as in .. not so stinkin' hot!!) to do so.

Actually, we have sung at three nursing homes during the past several months and it had to be at least 95° degrees at each location (why do the elderly always like the room to be toasty even in the summer?). Maybe tonight's temperatures won't be too unbearable.

Oh well. When you're hot you're hot.

".. and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day."
- Genesis 18:1b

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