Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pray Hard .. VBS Starts Today

I have been praying for many weeks about Vacation Bible School at FBC Humboldt. However, it appears those prayers have NOT been answered because .. it is still starting today.

Actually, I have always loved VBS.

You don't have to do regular "church stuff" all week, you get to wear tee shirt and jeans (every week is like VBS for Russ, the youth guy .. plus he has a cap) and someone else is in charge (Jaclyn .. you go girl!!).

We used to plan Bible School for later in the summer, but quickly realized all the teachers .. I think their exact words were .. "just wanted to get it over with" (what have I to dread, what have I to fear ..). So, Jaclyn made a concerted effort to move it up as early as possible (the church voted down our original proposal .. the first week in April .. something about school still being in session and how no children would attend .. picky, picky).

Of course, I am kidding (this is sort of like a 'disclaimer' statement .. in case a parent is reading). This is one of the most important weeks in the life of our church.

We have the opportunity to teach and show the love of Christ to many boys and girls. For some, this might be the only time all year they will ever "set foot" in the doors of a church.

Teachers and workers, I applaud and appreciate all you will do to make a difference in the lives of these children this week.

Just remember to put on the armor of God .. a real sword might come in handy, too.

"And they said unto Jephthah, Come, and be our captain, that we may fight with the children .."
- Judges 11:6

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Praying for this fun, important, busy week. One of my favorite times in the year...eat lots of veggies and drink lots of orange juice!