Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Don't Know Why There's No Sun Up in the Sky

The last couple of days there has been quite a bit of wind (I'm not referring to myself .. although it appears the 'Homewrecker' from Moe's was appropriately named), rain and just plain old .. bad weather. In fact, we spent about an hour in the church basement yesterday afternoon as the tornado sirens sounded off in the distance.

According to the weather people (and we all know how accurate they always are) there are more storms on the horizon for today and tomorrow.

They say that confession is good for the soul (keeping your big mouth shut causes less of a hassle, however), so I want to take this opportunity to apologize for the current weather conditions.

When Cheryl left town, she asked me to do one .. and only one .. task for her. That was to water her flowers .. water her gazillion flowers.

I am not a very patient guy.

Often, I stand in front of the microwave saying, "Let's go. Let's go. Let's go!"

If I approach a traffic light and it turns red, I immediately move to the lane with the arrow or take an alternate route that will not require me to apply the brakes.

When I go to the doctor I am not a very patient .. patient.

So, the thought of standing outside every day for an hour .. in 95% humidity .. with a water hose holds no appeal to me whatsoever.

I started several weeks ago praying that it would rain while Cheryl was gone. I know now this was selfish on my part and I am sorry if this has caused an inconvenience for farmers who needed to be in the field or parents who needed their children to go swimming and release some of that energy.

Next time, I will be more specific and pray for rain .. just inside my property line.

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." - James 5:16

1 comment:

Allen and Laura said...

Had to deal with this too once. Let all of my wife's plants wilt. Now I own a bunch of soaker hoses. We get wiser as we get older.