Tuesday, June 23, 2009

An Oldie .. but a Goodie

On July 19 and 26 our SonShiners will be combining with the senior adult choir from First Baptist Church from Bolivar, Tennessee to present, "Homeward Bound" (the title should be sufficient in explaining the subject matter .. no, it's not a musical setting of the Disney flick about two dogs and a cat trying to get back to their owners).

Yesterday, we had our first combined rehearsal when their group came to our regular 1:30 Monday practice time.

Next week, we will go to Bolivar (it has been strongly suggested for years that I do so) on Tuesday at 4 o'clock when they normally (as opposed to abnormally, I suppose) rehearse.

Since I haven't had a youth choir for the past few years (like the man whose mother-in-law drove his new Cadillac off a cliff .. I have mixed emotions about this), the SonShiners have sort of filled that void. They have done programs for other groups (just like the youth used to do) and they are performing (I never really liked that word .. but, hey it's a show every time we 'take the stage') a musical (again .. just like the youth used to do).

We had about fifty singers at yesterday's rehearsal (approximately 2500 years of combined choir experience) and they sounded great.

If you are anywhere within a thirty mile radius (if you live further out, just check out a movie) on July 19 (FBC, Bolivar) or July 26 (FBC, Humboldt) at six p.m., it would be well worth the trip to hear these folk sing.

They'll bless you more all over than anyplace else!

Too old to cut the mustard (what the heck does that even mean)?

No way.

"Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?" - Genesis 18:12

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