Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm Melting .. I'm Melting

The temperatures have been relatively mild in West Tennessee so far this summer .. until now.

Yesterday it was 95° degrees outside (it was at least ninety inside at a funeral held at FBC) and over the next three days temperatures are supposed to be 96°, 97° and 94° respectively.

For a guy who entered the ministry with a vow to never break a sweat (up to this point I was doing pretty well), these are difficult days.

Some people live for summer to get here. They freeze when it approaches 50° degrees (Granny called it having 'thin blood') and when it gets down below forty they start "layering up," putting on gloves and wearing a sock cap (a bizarre combination of clothing articles .. what's next .. underwear shoes??).

I, on the other hand, love cold weather. If I lived somewhere like Minnesota or the Antarctic this might not be the case. However, since I don't live in an area were your appendages could possibly fall off due to exposure to the elements .. cold trumps hot every time.

If I didn't have to wear a coat and tie on occasion .. and pants, obviously (I'll never make that mistake again), it might not be so bad. I see people around town in shorts, a tank top and flip-flops all the time and they look so comfortable (often gross .. but still .. comfortable).

Because of my position (I enjoy sitting the most), I am expected to have a certain appearance when seen out in public. As a minister, I represent my church even on my "off days" and I wouldn't want to do anything to bring embarrassment or shame to the good people of First Baptist.

Of course, my blog does that on a daily basis.

So .. since I'm already a poor reflection of our church, if the temperature goes any higher don't be surprised if you see me at Wal-mart in nothing but swimming trunks.

Just look away (you will be forced to .. my chest is so white you'll need sunglasses) and act like you don't know me.

Cheryl does it all the time.

"And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look .."
- II Corinthians 3:13b


erin said...

I hate hot weather, too. I live for fall and winter.

Beverly said...

Now you know what hot flashes feel like!