Monday, August 31, 2009

Heaven's Bells .. Sorry, AC/DC

Our adult bell choir will resume rehearsals soon (Sunday, September 13 .. to be exact) and when they do it will be with "like new" handbells.

Frank Marshall, the "handbell man" (♪♫ the handbell man can, cause he mixes it with love and makes the world ring good ♪♫ .. perhaps that should be 'well' .. oh well .. it's all good) will today be delivering (congratulations .. it's a bell!) our recently renovated four octave set of Schulmerich .. the sound of Schulmerich, you can hear it in your heart .. that's their slogan .. for what it's worth .. you can also hear it in the ladies' restroom when we practice (don't ask how I know this) bells.

This remind me of a story ...

After Quasimodo’s death, the bishop of the Cathedral of Notre Dame sent word through the streets of Paris that a new bell ringer was needed. The bishop decided he would conduct the interviews personally and went up into the belfry to begin the screening the applicants. After observing several demonstrate their skills, he was beginning to think no suitable replacement would be found.

Just then, an armless man approached him and announced that he was there to apply for the bell ringer’s job. The bishop was shocked.

“You have no arms!”

“No matter,” said the man. “Observe!” And he began striking the bells with his face, producing a beautiful melody on the carillon.

The bishop listened in astonishment; convinced he had finally found a replacement for Quasimodo. But suddenly, rushing forward to strike a bell, the armless man tripped and plunged headlong out of the belfry window to his death in the street below.

The stunned bishop rushed to his side. When he reached the street, a crowd had gathered around the fallen figure, drawn by the beautiful music they had heard only moments before. As they silently parted to let the bishop through, one of them asked,

“Bishop, who was this man?”

“I don’t know his name,” the bishop sadly replied, “but his face rings a bell.”

The following day, despite the sadness that weighed heavily on his heart due to the unfortunate death of the armless campanologist, the bishop continued his interviews for the bell ringer of Notre Dame. The first man to approach him said,

“Your Excellency, I am the brother of the poor armless wretch that fell to his death from this very belfry yesterday. I pray that you honor his life by allowing me to replace him in this duty.”

The bishop agreed to give the man an audition. However, as the armless man’s brother stooped to pick up a mallet to strike the first bell, he groaned, clutched at his chest, twirled around, and died on the spot.

Two monks, hearing the bishop’s cries of grief at this second tragedy, rushed up the stairs to his side.

“What has happened? Who is this man?” the first monk asked breathlessly.

“I don’t know his name,” sighed the distraught bishop, but …….. he’s a dead ringer for his brother.”

"And they were coupled beneath, and coupled together at the head thereof, to one ring" - Exodus 36:29a

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Not Today, But ...

Maybe tomorrow I'll post something (never on Sunday).

BTW .. digging the hair.

"Go, and come back, And tomorrow I will give it"
- Proverbs 3:28b

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Gone Fishin'

We raised over six thousand dollars for the American Cancer Society at last evening's R4L2009CWD (that's really starting to catch on). Not bad for a "football night" and with the economy the way it is.

I probably picked on Dr. Chioco a little too much, but he was a good sport .. and it got laughs (to quote Mr. Spock from the 1982 film, Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn .. 'the needs of the comedian outweigh the needs of the doc' .. or something like that).

Since this is Saturday and my headache (I'm on day three now) is still lingering, I decided trying to "think and write" (although I never worried about this every day of my life occurrence before) would be almost impossible.

So .. here is another video clip (this is an old 'preacher trick' .. when they don't have anything prepared, we seem to always have a 'testimony time' .. you're not fooling anyone).

I love this Tim Hawkins song parody.

I hope you will too (even if you don't .. that's what you're getting).

"Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?"
- Matthew 7:10

Friday, August 28, 2009

Relay for Life .. Happy Birthday!

This will be a very brief post (I really mean it this time).

I have been trying all morning (which has made the morning quite trying, btw) to sign in to my account so I could make my reader's (or should that be readers' .. I think I was right the first time) day complete (kind of a Jerry Maguire thing .. without the little kid with glasses).

At first I thought it was a problem with MY computer. However, I'm a "Mac" and not a "PC" .. so that ruled out that theory.

I even went to the office (now that's loyalty .. it's my day off) to make sure there wasn't an issue with my ISP or home network (yes, I have my own television station).

Same problem there.

Finally, I'm up and running and the problem seems to be resolved .. for now.

However, since I have "more than I can say grace over" (never understood that quip .. how long does it actually take to say 'grace'? .. it's such a short word .. AMAZING!) today, I'm just checking in to let you know I haven't died, or worse .. deserted the blog.

Tonight I will emcee the Relay for Life 2009 Celebrity Waiters Dinner (or as I like to call it .. R4L2009CWD .. now that's far more catchy) here in Humboldt to celebrate the 25th birthday of the event.

I agreed to do this when Dr. Ernesto Chioco asked for my assistance several weeks ago. However, I really didn't fully understand what I was agreeing to.

If you've met "Dr. Ernie," you know "he's not from around here" (he wasn't born in Gibson County) and sometimes his English is a little difficult to understand.

I thought he was asking for help with a FUN Raiser.

Evidently, I was mistaken.

However, it is for a worthy cause and hopefully we can raise awareness and money to help with the fight against cancer.

"Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise." - Jeremiah 17:14

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sleepless in Humboldt .. Again

Note to self ..

Never, ever again .. under any circumstance .. take a 12 hour Allegra-D AND drink a cup of Starbucks Colombia Medium Blend Coffee after ten o'clock at night.

Jerry Lee Lewis just thought he was the one with a whole lotta shakin' going on.

I was shakin' .. tossin' .. turnin' .. AND .. bouncin' all night long.

The only positive is I won't have to do my routine regiment of rigorous exercises today (if you believe that, I have some swampland down in Florida I'd like to sell).

It all began with a headache that started early in the day and, no matter what I did, would not go away.

Some people say they never get headaches.

These people are fortunate and universally despised by those of us who do (I know Scripture tells us to love our neighbor .. I don't live next to these people, so I think I'm justified in this matter).

Headaches are a way of life for the Hamilton men (we have headaches .. and .. we can be headaches). My father has them, his father had them, and now I am just carrying on the family tradition.

My son wants to start a new tradition, but I'm not so sure about that.

Change can be such a .. pain.

"And he shall put his hand upon the head .."
- Leviticus 1:4a

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kev's Klip of the Week

"And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so."
- Genesis 1:24

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

57 (I'm 52, actually) and Foggy

Well, they did let me out of Bolivar last night (I know the residents have to tire at all the subtle and not so subtle references to the mental institution there .. crazy, isn't it?) and I got home fairly early (around 9:30 PM).

It was rather foggy all the way back to Humboldt and I was slightly uncomfortable (not as uncomfortable as the two women I ridiculed for slipping out during my stand-up routine .. they tried to leave without making a 'stir' .. of course, I couldn't let that happen) driving home.

When I awakened this morning (I pulled a 'Cheryl' .. set the alarm for 5:30 .. got up at 6:00) it was 57 and foggy.

Interestingly (or maybe not), I was born in '57 and today I'm foggy.

When you burn the candle at both ends (or worse .. stick a burning candle in your end .. kids, don't try this at home) like I've been doing of late, it makes it difficult to think clearly and rationally (even more so than usual for me).

You have a hard time collecting your thoughts (here's a tip .. when you finally do collect them .. poke air holes in the top of the jar) or even holding an intelligent conversation.

Case in point ...

Maybe tomorrow will be better. I hope to be only partly cloudy.

"Thick clouds are a covering to him .. " - Job 22:14a

Monday, August 24, 2009

Evergreen and Ivory

Tonight I will be speaking at the Singing Christmas Tree Kick-off (not Kiss-off) Banquet at First Baptist Church in Bolivar (Baptists are going to find a way to have a meal included in everything we do, if possible).

My friend, Bill Webb is Minister of Music at FBC and he has been trying to find a way to "plug in" my unique spiritual gift (the gift of gab) for quite a while (he mentioned this to me a year or so ago) and it now appears the timing is right (let's pray that is true of the jokes .. timing IS everything, you know).

I am no stranger to Bolivar (it's not what you're thinking). I have spoken there on several occasions over the years. However, the first time was the most memorable.

I was scheduled to speak at a Valentine's banquet at the church and the day of the event it was snowing to "beat the band" (trust me .. I was in the band and we sustained some pretty severe beatings).

It had snowed all night (one of the biggest ever for the month of February) and the forecast called for more snow.

We lived in Millington at the time and the drive was substantial, so I called to make sure we were still "on" for the night (only after my mother called me to suggest I cancel .. mom, you didn't raise a quitter .. a slacker, maybe .. but not a quitter).

Well, I was told everything was to proceed as planned and to be careful.

This was good advice because they closed down the highway right behind me and a trip that should have taken an hour and ten minutes took about three and a half hours .. just to get to my parent's house (it was another 25 miles from there).

The drive was nerve wracking and I was concerned to say the least (savor this moment .. it's not often I 'say the least') about the remainder of the trip.

After several calls, it was determined that a staffer at Union University (they had a four wheel drive) would come by and pick me up at mom and dad's house. My old roommate's parents lived in Bolivar and they were going to let me spend the night with them.

That never happened because the banquet got "scratched" when those decorating for the event had difficulty getting out of the parking lot.

Yes, you heard me. Difficulty getting out of the parking lot.

They did send me "something for my trouble" and I was invited to come back the next year.

On that occasion, I drove in one of the hardest rains I have ever encountered and there were flash food warnings in all of West Tennessee.

Has anyone seen today's weather report?

Just curious.

"I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest" - Psalm 55:8

Sunday, August 23, 2009

COME BACK HERE .. Tomorrow

It's Sunday. There's no post on this "day of rest."

Don't get mad at me. I don't make the rules (oh wait .. yes I do).

"Cry out and shout .." - Isaiah 12:6a

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Love Story

A fellow blogger (actually SHE is not a fellow) who is a friend has a mid-week feature on her blog called "Wordless Wednesday."

Since a "picture is worth a thousand words" .. here are ten thousands words for your viewing pleasure???

These were taken at a performance of the Biblical operetta, THE ODD COUPLE: The Story of Jacob and Rachel .. and Leah by Dr. Joseph Blass (known as 'jb' when he posts comments around here .. doc, you gave me permission years ago to borrow this .. if that arrangement has changed .. that's really all I can say without my attorney being present).

I know he must be proud.

Laban, deep in thought

The beautiful sister, Rachel and Jacob

Jacob asking for Rachel's hand in marriage

Jacob with his veiled bride

Jacob is tricked and ends up married to the not so beautiful, Leah

Leah is thrilled. Jacob? Not so much

Jacob strikes up a deal with Laban to get Rachel as his second wife

One big happy(??) family

It takes a village. The cast with pianist and narrator

Leah: the face that could launch a thousand ships .. never to return

"And Jacob kissed Rachel, and lifted up his voice, and wept." - Genesis 29:11

Friday, August 21, 2009

It's FryDay!

When I graduated from high school (miracles are not exclusive to 'Bible times') in 1975, I weighed 135 lbs (I'm pretty sure I was the inspiration for the song, Skinny Boy by Chicago) and I could eat whatever I wanted .. whenever I wanted.

Things have changed.

Oh, I'm only twenty pounds heavier than I was then (I've gained less than a half pound per year over the past 34 years .. not bad), but those twenty pounds are distributed differently than they were "back in the day."

Yes, I, as so many other middle-aged (is 52 really middle-age?? .. how many 104 year olds do you see walking around out there?) Americans, suffer from "Furniture Syndrome" (my chest has started to slide into my drawers) or, as it is also known, "Dunlap Disease" (my belly has done-lapped over my belt).

This is somewhat disturbing to a guy who used to eat a whole bag of Oreos .. at one sitting .. with two or three glasses of milk (whole milk .. the kind you can chew .. not that 1% swill Cheryl buys) and not gain an ounce.

I now have to take cholesterol medicine and a blood pressure pill on a daily basis (if I remember .. another problem with getting older).

This makes me, as Miss Cathy used to say, "very sad in my heart" (which, as far as I know, is still okay .. as of this writing).

All this talk about food plus that photo of the french fries (porn for us overeaters) is making me hungry.

Get thee behind me, Satan .. and tell me if I look fat.

".. and ye shall eat the fat of the land." - Genesis 45:18b

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Normal Day .. for a Change

Today is August 20 (since I update daily, I'm told some of you use RevKev's blog as your calendar .. if I could do 'time and temperature,' who knows how successful this site could be) and if all goes well, it might end up being a normal day .. visit hospitals, complete Sunday's order of worship (I'll have fries and a coke with that hymn .. and make it 'to go'), put out any fires (I'm the minister on call .. who you gonna' call? .. Holy Ghostbusters!!) that might develop, and anything deemed necessary by the pastor (please Greg, don't deem anything necessary).

There are no outside speaking engagements, no meetings, and no trips to Memphis or Nashville.

It's just a normal day with nothing to really gripe .. I mean write .. about.

So, I will take the opportunity to make it a "this day in history" moment.

On August 20, 1938, Lou Gehrig hit his 23rd grand slam – a record that still stands.

On August 20, 2008, Russ Stanphill ate his 23rd grand slam (this was within a ten day period) - and for the record .. he could hardly stand.

This is not really that funny, but some days are more historical than .. hysterical.

" .. thou mayest freely eat" - Genesis 2:16b

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Kev's Klip of the Week

I know, I know .. but I love this guy!

"Watch ye, and keep them, until ye weigh them .. "
- Ezra 8:29a

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wake Up, Wake Up, Sleepyhead

Yesterday was another long one (it was the same length as the day before, I'm pretty sure .. but it felt like it had more hours) so, I had no intention of setting my alarm for 5:30 AM this morning.

Sorry, early riser blog readers (sounds like a tongue twister .. rubber baby buggy bumpers).

My speaking engagement (luncheon) at Bellevue Baptist Church went well and now I can say prophecy has been fulfilled (years ago people said one day I would be at Bellevue .. they were referring to the mental hospital in New York, of course .. but hey .. picky, picky .. I say they were right).

Deacon's meeting (remember yesterday's post when I mentioned it being over around 7:30ish? .. no way .. try 9:30 PM) went long, so I was more than a little tired and weary (♪♫ and I must go along ♪♫ .. there will be peace in the valley .. for me ♪♫) when I finally got home.

I was supposed to be in Nashville at ten o'clock this morning for a meeting at the TBC, but it just wasn't going to happen (sorry Dr. Porch .. the ox was in the ditch .. so he decided to just lay there and sleep).

The Bible says, "A man has to know his limitations" (or was that Dirty Harry from Magnum Force?? .. it doesn't matter, it's still true) and I've just about reached my limit.

Tonight I am in charge of the program for the quarterly meeting of the Humboldt Music Club (6:30 PM in the fellowship hall of First Baptist Church). It's free and open to the public.

Who knows .. I may even show up.

".. thy servant was busy here and there .." - I Kings 20:40a

Monday, August 17, 2009

Plunge Me 'Neath the Cleansing Flood

Today is another one of those days.

I'm speaking in Memphis at eleven o'clock to the Forerunners (senior adults) at Bellevue Baptist Church, going to see a friend in the hospital there (Memphis .. not Bellevue .. they are big but not that big), attending a monthly deacon's meeting and .. finally .. rehearsing afterward (7:30ish?) for a Humboldt Music Club program that will take place on Tuesday night.

Since time is of the essence (or .. thyme is of the essence .. if you are a chef), I am posting a video clip today so I don't have to come up with something clever (or .. cleaver .. if you are a chef) to say.

Yesterday I had the privilege of baptizing one of the children from FBC who has been my "buddy" for quite some time. She even brought me a gift of her own choosing (four quarters, one peppermint, and a pack of Eclipse gum) beforehand.

Sophie, thanks for NOT doing this.

"The depths have covered them: they sank into the bottom as a stone." - Exodus 15:5

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I Shall Return .. on Monday

"Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return .. " - Genesis 18:14a

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Night at Home .. Finally

I have been extremely busy of late (and early, most days .. not today .. I slept in to 7:30 this morning) and finding a night at home has been like "looking for a needle in a haystack" (I'll never do that again .. needles are too cheap to be wasting my time digging through hay).

Last night, after two weeks of having someplace to be every single night, I was at home in my recliner and it felt good.

Cheryl and I watched a few episodes of "Burn Notice" we had missed during season one and it was great chillaxin with the wifey (that's the way we talk here in the hood .. you know what I'm sayin? .. I'm just keepin' it real).

Trying to keep up with life in the fast lane (okay, Humboldt doesn't exactly have a fast lane .. except maybe in front of Walmart) is tough.

When the children were at home, we were constantly on the go. Between school, church, and extra curricular activities, we were on the road constantly.

The pace should be slower since Drew and Megan aren't around anymore (btw .. would it hurt to pick up the phone and call occasionally? .. I helped bring you into this world, you know).

It's not.

If anything, we go just as much as we ever did.

Speaking of "go" .. I'd better.

My next free night isn't until Thursday and I'm wasting valuable time.

"For he will not dwell unduly on the days of his life, because God keeps him busy with the joy of his heart."
- Ecclesiastes 5:20