Monday, August 3, 2009

Don't Miss Church .. You're Being Watched

Revival services got off to a good start yesterday at Antioch Baptist Church in Humboldt with two great messages from Dr. Bob Agee and some pretty good singing from "yours truly" (I'm referring to me .. not Yors Trulle, the Scandinavian skiing sensation).

The people were very friendly and made me feel right at home (without asking me to pick up my dirty socks or to take out the garbage) the moment I arrived (actually, no one was there when I arrived .. I'm an early bird, you know .. but they were friendly when they did show up).

The choir sang with enthusiasm and they really put out the sound on "Great Is the Lord" (in the A.M. service) and "The King Is Coming" (last night). The instrumentalists did a nice job, as well.

The only "hiccup" was a slight time delay between the people in the pew and me during the congregational singing.

I have experienced this before in large rooms with a great deal of echo. However, room size had nothing to do with it.

Evidently, they were used to singing some of the songs at a much slower tempo than what I intended to do. This made it a little more challenging at times (it almost sounded like a 'round' at one point) and really tested my ability to stay on task .. "my way or the highway."

In the end, I believe I won. However, it was not without a few .. casualties.

At least three sets of dentures (and a partial plate) came flying out on one of the songs.

I'm slowing things down a bit tonight.

"He shall hold it fast, but it shall not endure." - Job 8:15b

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