Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Night SmackDown

There is nothing quite like the love between a brother and sister.

Here is an old clip of Drew and Megan doing what siblings do best (I thought my sister Terri and I got in to some pretty good fights .. no way .. we were mere amateurs compared to this 'WWF worthy' video).

Kind of reminds me of Cain and Abel .. if Meg had a cane I think she might be able to inflict some serious damage on Drew!

Little boys, stay out of your sister's room.

Things could get ugly.


Anonymous said...

Who's walking 'round in women's underwear now?

Susan Nelson said...

My sympathy to Megan. I had THREE brothers and I know how ANNOYING they can be. However, I do owe them my fearlessness in the face of all things creepy and crawly as well as my inablility to be tickled or frightened easily.

Anonymous said...

How adorable....enjoyed very much.......jennie de <><

Cathy said...

Now THAT's the way I remember them! Well, not really. You had them well-trained for public viewing. LOL!