Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Who Let the Schools Out?

Humboldt City Schools (along with a gazillion others .. city and county) are out today due to inclement weather here in West Tennessee.

For the most part, we "dodged a bullet" and didn't get all the ice the "experts" were predicting (using their extremely sophisticated equipment .. rock, paper, scissors) during the night. However, the day is young and only God knows (and I do mean that literally) what is ahead.

All I know for sure is: my wife has one less day of Spring break (they don't have any snow days built in to this year's school calendar) and Wednesday night rehearsal is dead in the water (even if the sun comes out and global warming kicks in .. everyone will stay home .. except for those over the age of 70 who come every time the doors are open .. and a few times when they are not).

This does not give me great pleasure (actually, nothing does .. always the pessimist, only doom and gloom makes me .. happy).

Last Wednesday evening, the choir missed our regularly scheduled rehearsal to sing for a one night "revival" service with Bob Reccord (who, FOR the record, was 'snowed in' and didn't make it).

We did get a great sub (cold cut combo, if I recall correctly) and the service went on as planned .. knocking me out of precious practice time.

It appears the weather has gotten the best of me, once again.

Rain, snow, sleet .. hail, I can't win.


Anonymous said...

Get some donuts and coffee...if you have donuts, the Baptists will come. If they're chocolate donuts, you will get a few Methodists as well!

RevKev♫ said...

I think "snow cream" is going to trump donuts, tonight.

Anonymous said...

Well this doesn't have anything to do with the blog but what happened to your picture. You making a new one with the new glasses?

Anonymous said...

Well never mind my computer just blocked your picture out. So have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your blog...Ruth S. said they were humorous and uplifting...I am not so sure re: the uplifting part when I learned that you work in your undies at home when no one knows. This is a voice (or fingers) from your past in Mill., Kathy W.

RevKev♫ said...

Kathy W .. I knew one day my past would catch up with me! Good to "hear" from you.