Monday, January 5, 2009

Pour Me Another .. and Make It a Double

Since it's just the two of us (we can make it if we try .. just the two of us) again, I turn my attention back to my lovely wife (sorry, honey .. Christmas is over, the kids are gone, and the cats aren't crawling, climbing or clawing .. you're 'it').

Cheryl has been sick since before New Year's Eve. She started out with streptococcal pharyngitis (I sound like Marcus Welby, don't I?) or strep throat. Now, she has a sinus infection .. sinusitis (I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night).

The last several days have been miserable. Cheryl has had it rough, as well.

Draining and coughing seems to be what she does best (you're number one, you're number one) and this has produced several sleepless nights for the two of us (building castles in the sky .. just the two of us .. you and I).

Cheryl is going back to school this morning (Christmas break is over and she is experiencing the five stages of grief .. she's somewhere between 'denial' and 'anger') but, I'm not sure she'll make it through the whole day.

If you add "crying" to "draining" and "coughing," we could have a volatile situation on our hands: she could blow any time.

I just hope there's a Kleenex® handy.


Anonymous said...

Tell her to try a shot of Nyquil or the Walmart equivalent. If that doesn't work, try Dr. Jack Daniels' home remedy...for medicinal purposes only, you understand...

RevKev♫ said...

Nyquil: the Baptist highball.